FNHL Graduation Celebration 2015 Webcast

May 28, 2015 – On Saturday, May 23rd, more than fifty of more than 200 Aboriginal grads gathered in the First Nations Longhouse on the Vancouver campus for the Aboriginal Grad ceremony. The event was streamed live to more than a hundred viewers unable to attend in person. You can now watch the record of this event here.

Related: FNHL Graduation Celebration 2015 Highlights

Event log:

  1. Graduates called into the Longhouse: 1:20—12:20
  2. Musqueam welcome by qiyǝplenǝxʷ (Howard Grant): 14:00—19:45
  3. Opening remarks by Dr. Linc Kesler, Director, FNHL: 20:00—35:00
  4. Keynote address by Dr. Jo-ann Archibald, Director, NITEP: 35:00—53:35
  5. Special acknowledgement of Elder Larry Grant & Dr. David Farrar: 53:45—1:01:35
  6. NITEP honorary degree presentation to Elder Larry Grant: 1:02:00—1:07:40
  7. Introduction of graduates: 1:07:40—2:00:05
  8. Graduating student address by Molly Billows: 2:00:38—2:06:50
  9. Graduation honour song by Victor Guerin: 2:07:40—2:12:14

To view this video, you may need to install Silverlight. Please let us know if you encounter difficulties in watching this video. (fnhl.research@ubc.ca).

Page Modified: May 29, 2015

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