Indigenous Graduation Celebration Fall 2024

Indigenous Graduation Celebration Spring 2024. Photo: Martin Dee

On Saturday, November 30th, starting at 11am, the First Nations House of Learning will be hosting a graduation celebration at the First Nations Longhouse to honour participating Indigenous graduates from the Fall Class of 2024.

Longhouse Ceremonial Door

Indigenous students will be called into Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall through its ceremonial door, whereupon each will ceremoniously transform from student to graduate, which will be witnessed by families, friends, and supporters of each participating graduate.

Afterward, each graduate will be stood up and recognized for completing their academic program and given the opportunity to thank their supporters.

The keynote speaker is TBD.

Related: Indigenous Graduation Celebration Spring 2024

Like previous events, the celebration will be streamed live on this page for the benefit of family, friends and supporters who are unable to attend.

Live Stream (pending)

Event Program (pending)

Updated: September 20, 2024