Meet past Directors

In the following videos, five former FNHL Directors speak on the subject of the Longhouse’s 30th anniversary, including:

    • Dr. Verna Kirkness shares the Longhouse’s origin story
    • Dr. Jo-ann Archibald reads a speech Dr. Kirkness gave at the Longhouse’s opening in 1993
    • Dr. Richard Vedan talks about the houseposts in Sty-Wet-Tan Great Hall and their stories from “time immemorial”
    • Dr. Linc Kesler discusses the Longhouse’s role in shaping Indigenous engagement at UBC; and
    • Dr. Margaret Moss describes the challenge of maintaining student programming at the Longhouse during COVID-19.

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Verna Kirkness, 1984-1993

Watch the longer video (23:54)

Jo-ann Archibald, 1993-2001

Watch the longer video (11:48)

Richard Vedan, 2001-2009

Watch the longer video (10:36)

Linc Kesler, 2009-2018

Watch the longer video (22:30)

Margaret Moss, 2018-2023

Watch the video on this page